
4 Workouts To Ease Stress

Exercise is the ultimate stress-buster, and you don’t have to hit the heavy bag to reap rewards. In fact, during times of stress, your body is typically in need of a way to calm down more than a round in the ring. You can use exercise to find calm. The big benefits come when you can find an activity you enjoy doing consistently.

A 2014 study published in the journal Human Resources Management found that people who worked out regularly felt more confident when dealing with issues at work and at home. What’s more, another study found that physically active workers are less likely to burn out at their jobs than their sedentary co-workers.

Four Ways to Use Exercise to Manage Stress

  1. Go for a hike or bike ride or try another physical pursuit that makes you happy.
  2. Enroll in a class that emphasizes breathing, such as yoga or tai chi, to help you stay calm.
  3. Do some light cardio, or bust out intervals a few times a week – the release of endorphins may reduce anxiety.
  4. If you’re not in a regular exercise habit, that’s ok. Exercise can be as simple as taking a walk at night.

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