
Nutrition Habits: 5 Tips for Weight Loss

One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight. Take an honest look at what has worked for you in the past, along with what hasn’t. Have you tried to overhaul your diet only to find you start day dreaming of chocolate and end up overeating as soon as you go “off” the diet? Diets don’t work over the long term. They cause deprivation and often end up causing you to gain more weight over time. Focus on dialing in healthy habits that help you keep your weight and overall well-being in check. Choose one or two of the habits below and add them into your life this week!

  1. Protein Packed Breakfast
    Eating breakfast in the morning helps ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to keep you focused and energized throughout the day. Consuming a quality breakfast also helps prevent overeating in the afternoon and evening. Ensure you eat good protein source such as eggs, egg whites, yogurt or protein powder within the first hour of waking.

  2. Snack Smartly
    If you choose to snack between meals make sure you choose balanced options. Typical snack foods like chips and crackers are high in carbohydrates which will just cause you to be hungry again about one hour after eating. Balance snacks with healthy fats or protein such as nuts, seeds, jerky, yogurt, eggs, string cheese or avocado.

  3. Drink Up
    Not drinking enough water can make you think you’re hungry when you are truly thirsty and can also slow down your metabolism! Keep a water bottle with you and sip from it throughout the day. If you get tired of plain water, try unsweetened tea or fruit infused water.

  4. Sleep More
    Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep may be essential for weight loss. Lack of sleep will actually change your hormones causing you to crave more unhealthy fats and sugar during the day. It can also limit your metabolism and reduces growth hormone and testosterone. Create a nighttime routine to help you calm down so you can fall asleep more easily.

  5. Load Up on Veggies
    Aim to fill up half of your plate with vegetables at each meal. Vegetables are loaded with important nutrients that support energy and metabolism along with overall health. They are also low calorie and high fiber, meaning they will keep you feeling full long after your meal. Pair them with healthy fats and protein to get even more satiety benefits!

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